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Inuvik, Northwest Territories



The sun shines about 24 hours a day in Inuvik, Canada in June. Lots of work can be done in a few days.  


A Canadian Power Company needed to move a 101 ft diameter fuel tank about 120 ft west to a new pad and containment area that was 5 feet lower than the pad it was on. MTS and local labor built four long timber runways, five feet high for the jacks and turtles to walk on. The tank was then moved horizontally on the runways until it was directly above the new pad. 


The tank moving turtles were removed. Piece by piece the runways were dismantled and simple cribs were built under the jacks. The tank was then lowered in two steps to the new pad. 


Our ‘Inuvik Tank Move’ slide show gives a detailed time lapse of the move. 

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